September 5, 2007

gelOmbang cinTa

Sorry tidak berhubungan dengan teksip. Karena hebohnya pembicaraan about pethetan (jw: tanaman hias) akhir2 ini, bikin penasaran juga. Konon ada yg rela merogoh tabungan 150 jt bahkan lebih. Saya coba googling dengan key gelombang cinta, dapet link about anthurium andreanum tsb.

Berikut ini kutipan dari:
(gambar2 sewaktu2 bisa dihapus dari server)

The Cultivated Anthurium

Anthurium is a genus of more than 800 species found in the New World tropics from Mexico to northern Argentina and Uruguay; species are also native to the West Indies (Mayo et al., 1997). Even though the genus is not native to the Hawaiian Islands, in the minds of many people, Anthurium andreanum is the Hawaiian flower. This species is native to the wet forests on the western slopes of the Andes [1200 ft. (400 m) to 3900 ft (1300 m)] in southern Colombia and northern Ecuador where it grows as epiphyte. A. andreanum was discovered in Colombia in 1876 by Edouard André. André sent it to Jean Linden in Belgium. From there, it made its way to the Royal Botanic Gardens at Kew, England. (Madison, 1980).

According to Marie Neal (1948), Anthurium andreanum was introduced into the Hawaiian Islands in 1889 by Samuel Mills Damon [the minister of finance for the Republic of Hawaii (Bown, 2000)]. These plants were imported from London and had shell pink spathes. Since plants in the wild have spathes that are scarlet orange, this would suggest that some hybridization and selection had already taken place. The plants were grown on Damon's estate on Oahu. They were vegetatively propagated and distributed to other growers (Kamemoto, 1981).

The sexual propagation of anthuria was not understood until ca. 1940. Once this form of propagation was added to the grower's knowledge, the number of plants and the amount of variation seen increased greatly. The inflorescences were introduced to the floral shops of Hawaii in the 1940's. The cut flower industry started in backyards where the plants were grown under tangerine trees, orange trees, and tree ferns. Some of the early cultivars include 'Ozaki' (1936), 'Kozohara' (1946), and 'Nitta' (1946). These and many other early cultivars were reds and oranges (ibid.).

Birdsey (1951) proposed that the cultivated anthurium be referred to as Anthurium cultorum. The reason being that the cultivated anthurium bears little resemblence to the wild species. The differences between the cultivated plants and those found in the wild populations are the result of hybridization (in particular, interspecific hybridization). This proposal has merit, but the name is not often used.
Anthurium andreanum (SEL 1994-190) collected near Lita, Ecuador.

Farmer's Market in Hilo

The farmer's market at the corner of Kamehameha Avenue and Mamo St. in Hilo is open on Saturdays and Wednesdays. On other days fewer people are selling things, but someone always has some anthuria for sale.

Inflorences that do not meet commercial standards can be found at the market. These are usually rather inexpensive and are sold by the bunch with each bunch containing five to seven inflorescences. In July of 2001, three bunches were selling for $5.00.

A Visit to a Commercial Anthurium Farm
A Gallery of Cultivated Anthuria

Diposting oleh Sbn di milis Sipil '98 pada 04 September 2007 @ 8:51

1 Comment:

Anonymous said...

Kalau gak salah gambar dibawah itu salah satu jenis anthurium yang orang bilang jenmanii. Kalau gelombang cinta (the wave of love) itu yang daunnya agak bergelombang.

Aku inget, dulu pas waktu masih kecil sering liat bunga anthurium yang berwarna merah itu dirangkai buat dekorasi pengantin. Pasti harganya dulu lom seberapa lah..masih gak beda jauh dengan bunga melati, krisan dll. Coba kalau sekarang ya

Tak ada istilah mahal, jika hati sudah terpikat. Tapi kayaknya kok berlebihan ya kalau uang ratusan juta melayang hanya untuk sebuah tanaman. Duh..bisa buat beli rumah tuh..Rumah harganya makin lama makin naik. Kalau tanaman gak bisa diprediksi booming sampai kapan.
Kepuasan pribadi atau hanya sekedar prestice ? Atau hanya sekedar latah, ikut-ikutan biar kalau pas arisan ada yg bisa dipamerin ? Ini pengecualian untuk pemain bisnis nya . Mereka berkecimpung dalam bisnis jual beli anthurium yang jelas kan tergiur oleh keuntungan yang dijanjikan.

Biarlah itu menjadi rahasia mereka yang mengaku kaum anthuriumers (penggila anthurium -- ini istilahku sendiri loh).

Yah..paling tidak bibit-bibit baru yang dikembangkan sedikit bisa memberi kontribusi oksigen di bumi kita yang makin panas.

Berikut kutipan dari Harian Suara Merdeka, Selasa 28 Agustus 2007, hal M


Dengan alasan keuntungan lebih maksimal, banyak yang memutuskan menjadi petani. Petani bisa memanen tanaman induk yang sudah mengeluarkan tongkol dan dibiakkan.
Jangan menyepelekan petani yang satu ini. Sebab dari pekerjaan itu, banyak di antara mereka yang menjadi jutawan, bahkan miliarder baru di Karanganyar. Mereka menjadi OKB (orang kaya baru) karena anthurium.

Salah satunya adalah Bayan Tarso, warga Dusun Karang Kulon, Desa Karang, Kec. Karangpandan. Perangkat desa ini mempunyai 4 green house anthurium. Omzet penjualannya mencapai ratusan juta per hari, dengan total aset tak kurang dari RP 12 milliar. Itu belum termasuk belasan bidang tanah dan mobil, hasil barter orang kaya dengan beberapa tanaman miliknya. Padahal kala memulai bisnis ini tahun 2002, ia hanya memiliki modal Rp 60 juta. Dia juga memiliki beberapa anthurium jenmanii jenis giant yang ditawarkans eharga Rp 250 juta.

Hal yang sama dialami Suyarto, warga desa Balong, Kec. Jenawi. Sopir ambulans dan PNS gol II ini bisa menikmati kemewahan karena anthurium jenmanii. Sebuah mobil mewah terparkir di garasinya yang cukup mewah.


Tertarik untuk menekuni bisnis anthurium ?